Monday, November 21, 2011

Skin Cancer?

I have a mole and it grew a hair does that mean i have skin cancer or not?

Skin Cancer?
No, it means you have a mole that happens to have a hair growing out of it. If the mole is growing irregularly or has multiple colors, bleeds or is any way suspicious then see a dermatologist for a proper evaluation. Read up here on the various common skin cancers and view the photos of what constitutes a suspicious mole.
Reply:No, a hair growing out of a mole does NOT necessarily mean it is skin cancer. I visit a web site: who has many of us with melanoma. Their is only one way to be sure if a mole is skin cancer or not, a biopsy. It's a good idea to call a dermatologist and have them look at it. There are certain characteristics of a "problem" mole. You can find out what they are on It is a bulletin board and we have a lot of fun, yet a lot of sadness as some lose their fight with melanoma. Don't be frightened. Take control. Call your Dr.

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