Monday, November 21, 2011

Scars, moles, or freaky blood tumor?

I have one on my back and one on my chest just below my neck. Its a raised bump that kind of is shaped like a large mole but its a reddish pinkish color. Only slightly pinker then my skin color. Sometimes it itches. Also if is accidently hit one with something (like i hit my back one on the wall on accident) it stings for a minute. Ive had it for like 4 years AND IT WONT GO AWAY! Its kind of scaring me a bit because its grown a tiny bit overthe four years but not too much. What is it? Should i worry. Will it grow back if i get it removed? Help!

Scars, moles, or freaky blood tumor?
. The Mayo Clinic knows about moles @ ;

Yup, get it cut or frozen out, have it checked for cancer, and I guess they can return.

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