Saturday, July 24, 2010

How can you humanely get rid of a mole (garden variety not skin)?

i've found that tabasco sauce drives them nuts. pour it in their hole and cover. they do come back, but not for awhile.

How can you humanely get rid of a mole (garden variety not skin)?
Don't know if you'll come back to this, but they will just dig around the tabasco, and pepper burns are not humane. Report It

Reply:12 Bore!
Reply:Keep cats, or get a terrier.
Reply:block the tunnels it might take a bit of time or days but they will give up if you persevere and you did ask humanely otherwise I could suggest a real remedy
Reply:When my yipping terrier starts digging, they exit the yard pretty darn quickly.
Reply:I have been told that you need to get rid of the grubs--their food supply. I know there are products for this but don't know if they work. I am in the process of trying a grub eliminator product myself. (These can be found at any garden supply store/department) Good luck
Reply:moles are quiet animals that they really hate continue sounds. this is the best solution (the humanity kind)

Dig MANY jam bottles in places that you think the mole is living there.

___ ......_____ like this. place the open part out of soil.



the dots shows an empty place.

at night wind blows into it and make a sound like wistle.

cause of the sound, Moles leave there. I told u why. let the bottles stay in ur garden to dont have moles again!!!
Reply:I highly recommend one of the products containing caster bean oil. I have lots of moles and i don't mind them for the most part because they help control the japanese beetles, their favorite food is the grubs. The diluted oil is used to repel them from my flower gardens and pathways and as a barrier around the vegetables and herbs. It also helps to use some of the organic controls for Japanese beetle grubs since they attract the moles in the first place (milky spore is good). Ask at a garden center, hardware store, or local feed and seed.

I answered your q in a rush this morning and didn't stop to think about the years I've spent in the garden center and feed and seed business sorting out for customers the difference between moles and voles. Is it the shallow tunnels that are bothering you or the sudden root damage that plagues you? They are very different critters, but people confuse them all the time. They both tunnel underground and voles have been known to use mole tunnels to get where they want to go, adding to the identity problem. The castor bean oil works with both, but the grub control will not help with voles.
Reply:Sorry, I don't think it is possible. I have failed miserably for a long time. Wait patiently and they will move off on their own.
Reply:Try moth balls down the holes

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