Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I recently had a skin lesion biopsy (shave mole removal) and the mole is growing back. What should i do?

So there are 2 ways to remove moles. Shave them off with a skapel which doesn't make a deep cut but just shaves them off or use a cookie cutter like tool to "cookie cut" the skin and pry the mole off requiring stitches but it's a deeper cut to keep the mole off. At first the dermatologist told me that since I am young my mole cells are active and a deeper cut would be better so we went with the cookie cutter one. On the day of the surgury he says ok we've decided to use the skapel and do the shave only. Mole removal costs $200 and the mole is coming back. Can't I get the cookie cutter cut free or cheaper since I payed him to get of the **** mole and it is growing back.

By the way if anyone here knows so its been 2 months since the shave and the moles aren't red like a scab but just look like a dent kinda hit there as the skin goes in and they get redder when the blood is flowing rapidly. Is this normal?

I recently had a skin lesion biopsy (shave mole removal) and the mole is growing back. What should i do?
Please go and check with your dermatologist if you observe unusual signs.

Moles can be benign or cancerous. If you notice unusual or sudden appearances of moles, this is an article that you want to read
Reply:See your doctor again about this problem
Reply:if you think that the mole is coming back and that it is a health concern, then you should go and see your doctor again and tell him/her that you are not satisfied with the results and are concerned and they might consider soing it for a reduced/no charge

if its not really a health risk, try some store brand wart remover maybe??

hope this helps!

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