I recently started using mary kay facial clenser and moisturizer. I was very impressed at first at the smooth texture of my skin. facial moles on the face run in my family but since I have started using this cleanser literally days ago I have noticed many tiny moles on my faces and also I have notices tiny indentations. I thought they were black heads and I have black head scrubs and I tried them all to remove them unsuccessfully. I'm so freaked out by this. Is it me, or is it the cleanser?
Can you get moles from certain facial clensers or scrubbing too hard?
As you noticed, the moles run in your family. That's because moles are simply overgrowths of skin in certain spots, with a touch extra melanin thrown in. It's genetic, the tendency to have them and in some cases the location. It's got nothing to do with your facial cleanser at all, and everything to do with your DNA. You may be seeing moles, or you may indeed be seeing blackheads. Facial scrubs don't always get them all. You can try using the blackhead remover strips made for noses, and you can use them anywhere on the face you want to remove blackheads from. It's just tricker to stick them on some spots than others. You can also try using a mask, which can also help remove some. And of course, if you wonder what it is exactly, you can always ask the doctor. Small moles can sometimes be zapped with a laser by the dermatologist, some can be removed by shaving them (the dermatologist doing it, not the razor for your face/legs). Very large ones may require a minor surgery to remove. Or you can simply ignore them. Blame your ancestors, not your facial cleanser.
Reply:you cannot get moles from products.
I would stop using this product and get them checked out by you doctor- it might be a reaction from the product.
Reply:moles can be from the sun or genetics. are you sure it's moles and not a reaction? maybe you should run it by your doctor...what do the "moles" look like. sometimes also as for blackheads, you can actually scrub the oil off your face to the point your body produces more to remoisturize it and blackheads may form. thats why you should only occasionally use exfoliator..a simple mild cleanser will do the trick
Reply:No but you can get them in certain Gardens ...Just follow the freshly upturned soil
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