I am age 27 and have very fair skin,I have a mole on my left cheek just by the bridge of my nose,its been there since my early teens and now has grown considerably.Its flesh colored with a tan tip.During the last few days its become very painful,tender and sore,if I bump it accidentally or touch it its quite painful.I can't seem to find anything online about the causes of mole pain besides skin cancer.Its not dark still flesh colored the only difference is its painful now.I haven't injured it in any way so I am baffled by this symptom.Is there any other cause of mole pain???
Are their any other causes of soreness in a mole besides skin cancer?
Make an appointment with your doctor immediately. These skin blemishes should always be taken seriously.
Dr. Nicolas
Reply:I would advice everyone who has symptoms mentioned by the asker, and even just changes on the skin to have these examined. Melanoma can be totally healed and cured at an early stage. If advanced, it is a fatal decease. Report It
Reply:I think you could just have an infection or ingrown hair with it being tender, the fact you mention it's changed makes me tell you to call your MD now - it's best to get there - and if he/she feels you need to see someone else for better removal (so you won't scar) they will refer you there.
Try keeping it clean and take a hot compress to it, if there is an ingrown hair or something it may bring it to a head.
Call the MD though.
PS don't plan your funeral yet it could simply be nothing more then infected but best to have it looked in to any mole that changes shape, color or hurts needs medical attention not yahoo answers. Good Luck.
Reply:You definitely should go to a Dr. However, is it possible that you are getting a pimple right by it. You know, the kind that takes forever to come to a head and just has tons of pressure behind it? Those usually are pretty painful.
Reply:I am not sure what you have, but I suggest you see a doctor as soon as possible. The fact that you have had it since you were a kid and now it has changed is cause for alarm. Please see someone soon! Good luck. Let me know how it goes.
Reply:see a skin doctor asap and keep out of the sun apply sunblock i had one since i was yound and due to makeup in the years it first became swolllen, changed color, got a bit painful and started to bleed i had it cut out and is was no cancer so dont worry but see a skindoctor and becareful with laser the oldfashioned way of having it cut away is still better
Reply:i really sujust that you should see a docter because with moles the only way is an operation to remove it i had a friend with the same problem she had surgery because there was no other option .
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