A bunch of new moles, skin-tags, freckles, and "patches" of pigment have suddenly appeared on my body.
I'm not disfigured or anything...but *I* certainly notice the changes!
How normal is it to suddenly realize that your skin has transformed itself and become covered in new spots?
It's weired.
Probably just a result of getting older...
I'm in my late 30's and have noticed a lot of skin changes. I'm concerned!?
I'm not sure how much of this is aging and how much is a result of overexposure to the sun. I myself over the last year have had patches come up, and I was a fanatic for a good tan.
Reply:sun damage but if you are concerned go to the doctor and let them take a look
Reply:Go see a skin dr, have you been exposed to alot of sun????
Reply:yes now a days the Peri menopausal changes takes place in early 30's dot worry even the pollution also effects the skin .go for lot of greens and water baby.the only way to good healthy skin is aerobic exercise
Reply:Now that i'm 42 (almost 43) (i hope I make it) I too remember seeing a lot of changes, unless you notice something very unusual, i wouldn't wory.
Check out this site, it's pretty informative.http://www.reutershealth.com/wellconnect...
Reply:I would suggest making an appointment with a dermatologist, have the moles and spots checked out. Better safe than sorry. Most times they are nothing to worry about and if the trained professional thinks they could amount to anything they can be removed early.
Getting old is NOT for sissies!
Reply:Mine were due to the combination of hypoglycemia and a systemic yeast infestation. Even though I am now diabetic, I still have the skin tags, although they may be decreasing as I lose the weight.
The pigmented skin changes may be "tinea versicolor". Loss of pigment is vitiligo. I have both, and they are getting better due to my being on a diet and herbs for the systemic yeast (candida albicans) infestation.
For basic info on both of these conditions, check out www.hufa.org.
Reply:Indeed it comes with age. I studied beauty therapy, and I can recommend you to always use sun protection, a hat while working in the garden. You can see your dermatologist and ask her about Retin-A works on freckles, wrinkles and sun spots, and a chemical peel. I use retin A and have had a chemical peel, it can improve the appearance of your skin.
Reply:The skin tags should be removed if they irriate you. The new moles should be look at by a dermatologist. If the edges of the moles are smooth and even odds are that it is just a mole but if the mole has a very uneven and look ugly then I would quickly go see a dermatologist - skin cancer is increasing through-out the US. The pigments are hard to call - Basal Cell carcinoma often looks like a patch. I had over 20 spot removed from my mothers face when she was in her 70s which is much younger than you.
The more I write - the more concerned I get that you may be in a pre-cancerous stage and you need a medical opinion not a Yahoo opinion
Reply:Wait until you're in your 40's and start seeing those little red broken capillaries all over. You need an electric needle to get rid of them!
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