Thursday, July 22, 2010

Can you remove a mole or skin tag with an over the counter wart remover such as a freeze away warts remover?

No- and anyone that has generally comes here asking for help with a bad reaction.

The best and safest way is seeing an MD they also take the skin to biopsy it as some moles are cancerous - it's just best to stick with the doctors on this one - so you won't harm yourself

Can you remove a mole or skin tag with an over the counter wart remover such as a freeze away warts remover?
"new skin" which is a liquid bandage will work on skin tags.

As far as the mole, I'm not sure

As far as removing the skin tag - one method is to tie a string around it (tight) and leave it until it falls off... my mom used to do that all the time when I was younger! (who knew?!)
Reply:I wouldn't think that is such a great idea...when I was at my OBGYN for my yearly exam I had a skin tag under one of my breast's and asked how I could get rid of it and she took me into another room and zapped them off and took off a mole I've had since I was a child in my armpit. She didn't even charge me a thing... They will bleed so having it done by your doctor is the best option so they can cauterize it if necessary.


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