Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is there a natural way to remove freckles and/or Moles??

See, I'm not a redhead, I have blonde hair and really pale skin with lots of completely RANDOM freckles/moles, they are ugly, they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors... it's not the pretty freckles like pippylongstocking - I like hers they look like they belong but mine look really awkward. Anyone feel my pain or have any suggestions?

Is there a natural way to remove freckles and/or Moles??
you can try a peel like etre facial mineal peel. (all you do is rub it in and rub until it starts to blob like little yeah nasty but i liked the way it left my face even after the 1st use. by the way you only use it once a week. im on week 2..i just bought it at the mall and they charged me $40 but i didnt know you could find it online for under $15!! i have the same problem with the frekles so im trying this. and i did get moles removed by a dermatologists. it isn't much and i can't say it left a scar.
Reply:freckles try fade cream. moles need cut out by the doctor. they need tested when removed.
Reply:Well from exsperiance ive had moles removed..but by a derm. Only costed $75.00 but they cut it out at the root so it wont come back. Doesnt hurt at all. HOWEVER it does leave a larger scar. To me i prefered the scar that was skin colored over the mole.
Reply:For freckles, I heard cut a lemon and rub on the freckles. It worked a little bit on my shoulders, but you can see them close up.

Moles, you'll have to see a doctor to see if they're non-cancerous and if they can be removed. Other than that, you're stuck with those.

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