Thursday, July 22, 2010

Moles, cancer?

yesterday I accidentlely scratched a mole too hard and it came off. It bled for a few minutes and now it is a little pinky red spot. I'm not sure if I should be worried as I have heard scratching or picking moles off can cause skin cancer. Am I just being pananoid? Please help!

Moles, cancer?
your just being paranoid.

moles does not necessarily mean that it may lead to cancer.

in cancer there are 5 categories that would say that it is cancer, but apparently i forgot those things.

anyways, going back to your question, if your mole have been there for quite some time, no worries because it is really just a mole, but if it just apparently showed within days, i must advice you to consult an oncologist and have it smeared.
Reply:If a mole changes in size or color or becomes inflamed all of a sudden, you should go to your doctor.But if it was just there normally and you decided to scratch it and it bled, then its no problem. Moles have deep roots that are connected to your veins.They feed off your circulatory system. That's why they bleed so much if you accidentally scratch them or pick them off. What you look for, is if a mole has very uneven margins.That means, look to see if the mole is a really funny irregular shape around the edges. That's not a good thing and your doctor should see that kind of mole.

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