I had a what appeared to be a hangy skin tag underneath my armpit and went to the dermatologist to get it removed. Well he assumed to it was a mole, however I got a report back after they biopsed it and they said it was a wart? I am not afraid because I have several of the same looking skin tag like things only not as hangy on various parts of my body including on my neck, underneath my knees, even in the creases of my leg near my genitals. Could it of just said it was a wart on the report because I dont want these things to be warts all over my body!! I have seen other people with similiar looking moles and they dont really look like warts please help!?
Question about warts on skin??
Moles are usually dark brown, warts are usually flesh colored. I'm sure if the pathology report stated it was a wart that it is correct.
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