Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Skin cancer question?

as a teen who wants to make sure she's not sick, i check myself for signs of skin cancer because i have always gotten a bad sunburn every summer for the past 3 years. i'm more aware of dangers like sunburns. i have some big moles on my back, but they have never gotten bigger or changed color or anything along those lines. but i have an odd question, if a mole has hair on it, does it mean that it's not "infected" with a skin disease? odd question, i know. but i've heard that if a mole doesn't have some sort of hair that it might be cancerous. n e body know?

Skin cancer question?
Hair means nothing in terms of cancer (hairs fall out, so at some point all of your moles will be hairless). As long as the mole hasn't changed colour or shape, hairy or not, it shouldn't be a problem. If you're that concerned, have your gp take a look. But really prevention is the best way to make sure you don't get cancer. Lots of sun screen (30+, this means it can give you 30 times the amount of natural skin protection that your body has), wear hats, try not to stay out in the sun too long, never get sun burnt. A tan may look great, but you can get the same look from a bottle without the risk of cancer.
Reply:I can't answer you questions about moles, but I CAN tell you this: from the sunburns, the cancer may take years, or even decades, to appear. So even if you stop sunning, don't ever stop watching.

And if you find something questionable, don't lie to yourself. That's basically what I did about a skin cancer on my nose, and it's caused the need for plastic surgery now.

Not fun.

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