Monday, August 23, 2010

Remedys to get rid of mole like bumps not warts i think there skin tags on my lower part of my body?

anyone know what gets rid of skintags kinda hard bumps that grow like a mole but are seeming lee harmless but dont look good

Remedys to get rid of mole like bumps not warts i think there skin tags on my lower part of my body?
Skin tags are generally sliced off by a physician or else frozen off with a special chemical. Although unconventional, I have had much success with self-treatment by using OTC wart removal medication on mysterious spots and bumps. I would apply it daily, the skin will redden and look slightly raw, but after a week or two of daily application these "non-warts" have disappeared. But, maybe you should first check with a doc to make sure that they are benign.

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