Monday, August 23, 2010

Who/What should I blame for my pale skin complexion - God, genetics, my parents?

I think it all comes to blaming God for this bullcrap. Think about it, he created genetics and ultimately created all of us. I have pale skin and now I have to go tanning to make it darker to fit in with other people. I'll never live the model life that I want to. For all you religious pieces of sh** - why does God have to create people in HIS image rather than the image we want? Now I'm going to have to work for plastic surgery and pay dermatologists to cut off moles that could be cancer. Thanks a frickin lot God.

Who/What should I blame for my pale skin complexion - God, genetics, my parents?
parents and Im fair skinned and gorgeos why is that horrible?? grow up and show respect
Reply:Haven't you ever heard of a tanning salon?
Reply:I'd rather stay white and pasty and have healthy skin, thanks.
Reply:God made you for who you are he looks at you and says your beautiful it's sad that you would ever say that about god he died for you he loves you he made a future for you just accept the way you are
Reply:Be thankful for your existence in the first place and having brains to think and speak stuff or else u would never have been able to complain
Reply:I really hope you're not serious. I could say so much about this, but you have got to be fooling around. Nobody could be so self centered and petty, with all that is going on in the world.So you must be joking.
Reply:Your direction in life might not be God's direction for you in life

Jesus Loves You
Reply:why is pale skin bad? but you can blame your parents. their genetics gave you the color of skin you have
Reply:im pale and fit in perfectly...maybe its ur attitude problem?
Reply:What the hell is wrong with you? You are upset with God for not giving you what you want? Pale skin, dark skin, let's go for the flavor of the month here.

That is like being mad at your parents for not buying you expensive designer jeans when you want them.

It is like being mad at your relatives for not chipping in to buy you a new hummer.

Wait . . . it all seems to make sense now.
Reply:Dude, how is pale skin a bad thing?
Reply:NO thank GOD for creating your butt because he didn't have to and thank him for giving you a face...and you don't have to do nothing you want to do those things and you shouldn't blame anybody and you no I bet you still look nice in a way because everyone has something beautiful about them it could be your smile your eyes your hair starts inside
Reply:You want to place blame on pigment or lack there of?

Either way, I'm sorry, but you can't blame god, leprechauns or snipes.

I'd go with genetics.
Reply:I sense anger here. it's genetics, which is from your parents and other ancestors. why do you have to be dark to fit in? maybe it's your attitude that excludes you. yes, God created all of us in His image, but look at how many variations of that image there are. skin tone is a stupid thing to complain about. you could be handicapped or have a terminal disease. grow up a little.
Reply:First, if god let us choose what we looked like, we'd all look like supermodels and look very alike. Blame your parents for giving birth to you and also blame yourself for being such a dumb ***. Plus, maybe you want to be a freak-in model, but god created you for something better then that but your too blinded by your ego to see it. First get a life, then end it by cutting your wrists. Cut up not across it'll be over quicker that way. Dumb bastard
Reply:Oh! Geez. Come on. You can't be whiter than me. I always beat people in white contest. Yay white power!! No I'm just joking. But heck, you shouldn't be mad at anyone for making you like that. It's skin color. Just be happy with what you got. I have the pastiest skin ever and I run out in the sun all the time. I'm sure i'll have cancer someday, but who gives a crap.
Reply:Blame no one for your pale complexion.

Miriam, the sister of Moses, did blame God for letting her little brother marrying a Ethopian girl. And she was caused with the skin color by the most high God.

And Miriam did not like that new color of her skin, she wanted it back. But her skin color could not be changed.
Reply:Don't blame your parents... they only inherited the genetics of their parents, who inherited the genetics of their parents... etc, etc, all the way back through antiquity; Don't blame "god" (IF it exists); I really don't think that anything in the realm of the supernatural really gives s-it!
Reply:Why would you think God is white. We were all created in his image. That includes all ethnicity.
Reply:Sometimes its said that something happens to us that we dont like.Like all my cousins have dad's but me and my sis dont.U can just be blinded by that fact and be angry at GOD.But the fact is me and my sis have things my cousins dont.Actually GOD helped me to finish my studies faster than everyone.We have comforts most of my cousins dont have.I understand that losing a dad is such a loss.I dont know who did it but surely GOD must not have did it.Sometimes i do get sad and blame GOD.but he still comforts me and helps me to move in my life.And do u know what JESUS has the power to heal ur skin.JESUS was wounded and bruised for u and me that by his stripes we are healed.Why dont u pray to GOD about it.More over seek a relationship with GOD.surely u might get the color of skin u want one day.But without GOD it doesnt matter if u are mr cute or mr ugly.Remember fanny crosby she was blind yet she didnt cry over her blindness with GOD.Later she brought so many beautiful songs that lead to many to GOD.And lastly GOD doesnt love u if u have white or black skin he loves u just as u are.And so much people be if they love u for ur skin color that aint love at all.GOD loves u and wants to be with u.

"For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only beggotten son that whoso ever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life".So ask JESUS to be ur saviour and forgive ur sins and cleanse ur life.


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